In Munich, patients receive world-leading medical care. Every 10th patient who comes from abroad seeks the way to Munich’s doctors. In addition, patients throughout Germany also prefer to travel to Munich or the surrounding area to get the latest medical advice and the best support.
More than 15,000 medical professionals are available to patients in hospitals, medical practices, public authorities or as consultants in Bavaria’s capital city. There are fewer than 300 inhabitants for every doctor working on an outpatient basis. This puts Munich, with its density of doctors, in second place worldwide behind Tel Aviv.
The excellent reputation of the medical profession contributes to Munich being very attractive for international medical tourism. Every year, more than 250,000 inpatients and outpatients from abroad place their trust in the very well-trained doctors in Munich and the surrounding area. Especially people from the United Arab Emirates or Russia are treated in Munich.
In addition to the excellent orthodox medical services, Munich has the highest number of registered alternative practitioners in countless practices in Germany. With approximately 2,000 alternative practitioners, the advocates of alternative healing methods are also well provided for.
Biotechnology and research in Munich
Compared to the national average, life expectancy in Munich is higher than in any other city. Pioneering work in the fields of biotechnology and research is being carried out here, making Munich one of the frontrunners. More than 120 companies in the field of biotechnology are located in the greater Munich area. Biotechnology is essential for medical progress. Diagnostics, drugs and medicines are developed here.

To ensure that every patient can receive his or her individual therapy, it is particularly important that research and knowledge in this sector are advanced. Doctors speak of personalised medicine, which has become indispensable for human beings. In order to ensure that biotechnology can continue to develop and continue to play a leading role in Europe, it is subsidised with millions every year in and around Munich.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research ranks Munich among the leading cities for medical research. This is due to the two elite universities with their medical faculties and the three Max Planck Institutes. Their institutes for psychiatry, biochemistry and neurobiology are located in Munich and the surrounding area. They all carry out important basic research for medicine and search for new therapeutic methods and medicines.
Medical technology and jobs
Medical technology is one of the most important topics of the future in the healthcare sector. With a turnover of 7 billion, Bavaria has the highest market share in Germany in this sector. The production of medical equipment for therapeutic purposes is carried out in over 500 Bavarian companies. Almost half of them are located in the Munich area. Medical technology creates 30,000 jobs. About 70,000 people work as nurses or physician assistants in hospitals or medical practices.
A total of 6,000 scientists and 3,300 technical assistants work in and around Munich. In addition, there are almost 8,000 medical students at Munich’s two universities. In addition to the jobs directly in the health sector, there are also 20,000 employees in commercial enterprises. This means that approximately every 10th workplace in Munich and the surrounding area is linked to the health sector.
This ensures that researchers and companies alike find Munich a particularly attractive location. Unique research centres and innovative medical companies provide medical care that is recognised worldwide and is particularly highly regarded for its results.