The stigma has long become style and everywhere fresh and vegan restaurants blossom like flowers in the spring. Today we look at where you can find the best vegan food in Munich!
Vegan Restaurants in Munich: Fourth Place in Germany
Germany is the country of vegans. According to studies, in the year 2020 between 1.13 Mio and 2.6 Mio people in Germany where living exclusively on a vegan nutrition. In terms of introduction of new products in the year 2018 Germany was even world champion.
Nobody will be really surprised to hear that Berlin is the most vegan city in Germany. With around 100 solely vegan restaurants and a total of (and this is a conservative estimation, since it only counts exclusively vegan menus) 263 vegan eating options.
Munich ranks in fourth place (23 vegan restaurants) behind Hamburg (38 vegan restaurants) and Cologne (26 vegan restaurants). But, if you are counting vegan eating options, not only restaurants, but also cafés, bakeries, food-trucks, etc., then Munich is actually in third place with around 92 places that offer vegan food.
Vegan Food is a perfect fit for Munich
Generally, that big amount of vegan food in Munich isn’t exactly surprising. Munich is known for her youth, her middle-class and her hip-stylish appearance. That a fit for vegan – or – vegan is a fit for that.

Some perfect examples of that are the “Lost Weekend”, “Café Ignaz”, “Ice Date” and “Soy” in Schwabing. There’s also the “Siggi” close to Isartor in a perfect location and next to that typically Munich: Chick, Hip and not incredibly cheap.
Classic Munich: Vegan Restaurants
The typical vegan restaurants that fulfill the clichés:
- Lost Weekend: Schellingstrasse 3, 80799
Not only a café, but also a coworking space and a library – Lost Weekend combines all of these. What originally started as a normal café, from then on proved to be an all-rounder due to the numerous students. Even concerts take place here.
- Soy: Theresienstraße 93, 80333
The Soy offers Vietnamese kitchen. Originally, comes from the capital, no, not the capital of our hearts, the capital of the country and of veganism: Berlin. In Soy you can really try out a bunch of stuff.
- Cafe Ignaz: Georgenstraße 67, 80799
Café Ignaz is really one of the oldest vegan restaurants in Munich. But, it is not strictly vegan, it also offers vegetarian options. It is definitely cozy and comfy!
- Ice Date: Amalienstraße 91, 80799
You got to try the crazy icemaker at least once, whether you live in Munich or not, but if you’re already there you can also taste Ice Date. They are both right next to each other. It is interesting to know that the ice for is transported from the production to Ice Date always by bike.
- Siggi: Buttermelcherstraße 17, 80469
The Siggi is especially known for its coziness. So, if you want to impress your (vegan) date, for example, this is without a doubt the best place.
A little differently alternative – Good Ideas and good vegan food in Munich
Good, let’s keep aside the classical hipster clichés. In Munich there are, next to the discredited hipster-vegan places, also quite some vegan restaurants where it doesn’t only count to be seen.

Vegan restaurants on this part of our list deserve credit for a number of different things. What they all definitely have in common is that they make very good vegan food. On the other hand, they also deserve emphasis for their taking of responsibility for all animals and humans on the human level. Others escape the doubtful honor to belong to the classic hipster places just by not being in the “right” neighborhood.
- Haferkater: Pasinger Bahnhofspl. 8, 81241
The Haferkater specializes in vegan breakfast. There you get vegan porridge for the small price. Strictly speaking, it’s also pretty “classic”, but it’s listed in this part of the list because it’s in Pasing.
- Bodhi: Ligsalzstraße 23, 80339
Bodhi offers Bavarian specialties, only without meat and animal products. In the area of the Westend and always good for the vegan meal, morning, noon and night.
- Bite Delite: different locations
The Bite Delite is perfect for a quick vegan snack in between meals. It made our list here because it donates all the food that isn’t sold in a day to the food bank.
- Restaurant Roecklplatz: Isartalstraße 26, 80469
A vegan Munich restaurant with a social mission. In addition to an excellent cuisine for the guests, the Roecklplatz offers training for young people with a socially difficult background. For this, the restaurant was even awarded the Federal Cross of Merit and by the way: It also has a beer garden.
There are many more vegan restaurants in Munich
Though, there are many more vegan restaurants in Munich and places where you can eat vegan food in Munich, we can’t list them all. We choose these, as they are either classic vegan restaurants and can’t be missing from this list, or because they have something that differentiates them from the crowd.
Those who really want adobt the vegan lifestyle in Munich have many other options. In addition to restaurants, there are also numerous vegan clothing stores or second-hand stores, organic supermarkets are also by no means lacking in Munich. We will also deal with these in the future.
If you are not only interested in vegan food, but food in general, we have a list of the best burgers in Munich. Also, if you are not interested in food, but more in drinking, we have a list of the 10 coziest bars in Munich!
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